sâmbătă, 6 septembrie 2014

Ghidurile Europene pentru CBCT - partea a VII - a


The core recommendations and statements in this document are the “Basic Principles”, described in section 3.3. Below are listed the other specific guidelines, taken from the relevant sections, with their evidence grading:

Introduction and Guideline development

1.1: These Guidelines should be reviewed and renewed using an evidence-based methodology after a period no greater than five years after publication.

Justification and referral criteria

4.1: All CBCT examinations must be justified on an individual basis by demonstrating that the potential benefits to the patients outweigh the potential risks. CBCT examinations should potentially add new information to aid the patient‟s management. A record of the Justification process must be maintained for each patient.

4.2: CBCT should not be selected unless a history and clinical examination have been performed. “Routine” or “screening” imaging is unacceptable practice.

4.3: When referring a patient for a CBCT examination, the referring dentist must supply sufficient clinical information (results of a history and examination) to allow the CBCT Practitioner to perform the Justification process

4.4: For the localised assessment of an impacted tooth (including consideration of resorption of an adjacent tooth) where the current imaging method of choice is MSCT, CBCT may be preferred because of reduced radiation dose.

4.5: CBCT may be indicated for the localised assessment of an impacted tooth (including consideration of resorption of an adjacent tooth) where the current imaging method of choice is conventional dental radiography and when the information cannot be obtained adequately by lower dose conventional (traditional) radiography.

4.6: For the localised assessment of an impacted tooth (including consideration of resorption of an adjacent tooth), the smallest volume size compatible with the situation should be selected because of reduced radiation dose. The use of CBCT units offering only large volumes (craniofacial CBCT) requires very careful justification and is generally discouraged.

4.7: Where the current imaging method of choice for the assessment of cleft palate is MSCT, CBCT may be preferred if radiation dose is lower. The smallest volume size compatible with the situation should be selected because of reduced radiation dose.

4.8: CBCT is not normally indicated for planning the placement of temporary anchorage devices in orthodontics.

4.9: Large volume CBCT should not be used routinely for orthodontic diagnosis.

4.10: For complex cases of skeletal abnormality, particularly those requiring combined orthodontic/surgical management, large volume CBCT may be justified in planning the definitive procedure, particularly where MSCT is the current imaging method of choice.

4.11: Research is needed to define robust guidance on clinical selection for large volume CBCT in orthodontics, based upon quantification of benefit to patient outcome.

4.12: CBCT is not indicated as a method of caries detection and diagnosis.

4.13: CBCT is not indicated as a routine method of imaging periodontal bone support.

4.14: Limited volume, high resolution CBCT may be indicated in selected cases of infra-bony defects and furcation lesions, where clinical and conventional radiographic examinations do not provide the information needed for management.

4.15: Where CBCT images include the teeth, care should be taken to check for periodontal bone levels when performing a clinical evaluation (report).
4.16: CBCT is not indicated as a standard method for identification of periapical pathosis.

4.17: Limited volume, high resolution CBCT may be indicated for periapical assessment, in selected cases, when conventional radiographs give a negative finding when there are contradictory positive clinical signs and symptoms.

4.18: Where CBCT images include the teeth, care should be taken to check for periapical disease when performing a clinical evaluation (report).

4.19: CBCT is not indicated as a standard method for demonstration of root canal anatomy.

4.20: Limited volume, high resolution CBCT may be indicated, for selected cases where conventional intraoral radiographs provide information on root canal anatomy which is equivocal or inadequate for planning treatment, most probably in multi-rooted teeth.

4.21: Limited volume, high resolution CBCT may be indicated for selected cases when planning surgical endodontic procedures. The decision should be based upon potential complicating factors, such as the proximity of important anatomical structures.

4.22: Limited volume, high resolution CBCT may be indicated in selected cases of suspected, or established, inflammatory root resorption or internal resorption, where three-dimensional information is likely to alter the management or prognosis of the tooth.

4.33: Limited volume, high resolution CBCT may be justifiable for selected cases, where endodontic treatment is complicated by concurrent factors, such as resorption lesions, combined periodontal/endodontic lesions, perforations and atypical pulp anatomy.

4.34: Limited volume, high resolution CBCT is indicated in the assessment of dental trauma (suspected root fracture) in selected cases, where conventional intraoral radiographs provide inadequate information for treatment planning.

4.35: Where conventional radiographs suggest a direct inter-relationship between a mandibular third molar and the mandibular canal, and when a decision to perform surgical removal has been made, CBCT may be indicated.

4.36: CBCT may be indicated for pre-surgical assessment of an unerupted tooth in selected cases where conventional radiographs fail to provide the information required.

4.37: CBCT is indicated for cross-sectional imaging prior to implant placement as an alternative to existing cross-sectional techniques where the radiation dose of CBCT is shown to be lower.

4.38: For cross-sectional imaging prior to implant placement, the advantage of CBCT with adjustable fields of view, compared with MSCT, becomes greater where the region of interest is a localised part of the jaws, as a similar sized field of view can be used.

4.39: Where it is likely that evaluation of soft tissues will be required as part of the patient‟s radiological assessment, the appropriate initial imaging should be MSCT or MR, rather than CBCT.

4.40: Limited volume, high resolution CBCT may be indicated for evaluation of bony invasion of the jaws CBCT by oral carcinoma when the initial imaging modality used for diagnosis and staging (MR or MSCT) does not provide satisfactory information.

4.41: For maxillofacial fracture assessment, where cross-sectional imaging is judged to be necessary, CBCT may be indicated as an alternative imaging modality to MSCT where radiation dose is shown to be lower and soft tissue detail is not required.

4.42: CBCT is indicated where bone information is required, in orthognathic surgery planning, for obtaining three-dimensional datasets of the craniofacial skeleton.

4.43: Where the existing imaging modality for examination of the TMJ is MSCT, CBCT is indicated as an alternative where radiation dose is shown to be lower.    


CBCT equipment factors in the reduction of radiation risk to patients.

5.1: Kilovoltage and mAs should be adjustable on CBCT equipment and must be optimised during use according to the clinical purpose of the examination, ideally by setting protocols with the input of a medical physics expert.


5.2: Multipurpose dental CBCT equipment should offer a choice of volume sizes and examinations must use the smallest that is compatible with the clinical situation if this provides less radiation dose to the patient.

5.3: Research studies on optimisation of filtration for dental CBCT units should be performed.

5.4: Dental CBCT units equipped with either flat panel detectors or image intensifiers need to be optimised in terms of dose reduction before use.

5.5: Multipurpose dental CBCT equipment should offer a choice of voxel sizes and examinations should use the largest voxel size (lowest dose) consistent with acceptable diagnostic accuracy.

5.6: Research studies should be performed to assess further the effect of the number of projections on image quality and radiation dose.

5.7: Shielding devices could be used to reduce doses to the thyroid gland where it lies close to the primary beam. Care is needed in positioning so that repeat exposure is not required. Further research is needed on effectiveness of such devices in dose reduction.

Quality standards and quality assurance

6.1: Published equipment performance criteria should be regularly reviewed and revised as greater experience is acquired in testing dental CBCT units.


6.2: Testing of dental CBCT should include a critical examination and detailed acceptance and commissioning tests when equipment is new and routine tests throughout the life of the equipment. Testing should follow published recommendations and a medical physics expert should be involved.

6.3: Manufacturers of dental CBCT equipment should provide a read-out of Dose-Area-Product (DAP) after each exposure.

6.4: Until further audit data is published, the panel recommend the adoption of an achievable Dose Area Product of 250 mGy cm2 for CBCT imaging for the placement of an upper first molar implant in a standard adult patient.

6.5: Assessment of the clinical quality of images should be a part of a quality assurance programme for CBCT.

6.6: Establishments carrying out CBCT examinations should perform reject analysis, either prospectively or as part of retrospective clinical audit, at intervals no greater than once every six months.

6.7: As a minimum target, no greater than 5% of CBCT examinations should be classified as “unacceptable”. The aim should be to reduce the proportion of unacceptable examinations by 50% in each successive audit cycle.

6.8: Image quality criteria should be developed for dental CBCT, ideally at the European level.

Staff protection

7.1: It is essential that a qualified expert is consulted over the installation and use of CBCT to ensure that staff dose is as low as reasonably achievable and that all relevant national requirements are met.


7.2: CBCT equipment should be installed in a protected enclosure and the whole of the enclosure designated a Controlled Area.

7.3: Detailed information on the dose due to scattered radiation should be obtained to inform decisions about shielding requirements.

7.4: The provision of Personal Monitoring should be considered.

Economic evaluation

8.1: Economic evaluation of CBCT should be a part of assessment of its clinical utility.


9.1: All those involved with CBCT must have received adequate theoretical and practical training for the purpose of radiological practices and relevant competence in radiation protection.

9.2: Continuing education and training after qualification are required, particularly when new CBCT equipment or facilities are adopted.

9.3: Dentists and dental specialists responsible for CBCT facilities who have not previously received “adequate theoretical and practical training” should undergo a period of additional theoretical and practical training that has been validated by an academic institution (University or equivalent). Where national specialist qualifications in Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology exist, the design and delivery of CBCT training programmes should involve a Dental and Maxillofacial Radiologist.

9.4: CBCT applications specialists and agents of manufacturers and suppliers of CBCT equipment who provide information and training to clinical staff should obtain relevant training in radiation protection and optimization.


An intention of the SEDENTEXCT project was that these guidelines would be used to identify gaps in research. By doing this, encouragement could be given to the development of subsequent research projects which will be formative in the update of future evidence-based guidelines for the use of dental CBCT.

A number of important gaps in the evidence became evident to the Panel during the review process. These are reflected in some guideline statements within the document (recommendations 4.11, 5.3, 5.6, 5.7 and 6.8 in Appendix 1). In addition, the review highlighted the need for more dose audit data to enable the setting of suitable DRLs for CBCT examinations.

The key priorities identified by the project team include:

1. Randomised clinical trials of CBCT versus conventional radiography, looking at the higher levels of diagnostic efficacy, notably Outcome Efficacy, and incorporating economic evaluation. The highest priority area is the use of large volume CBCT in orthodontics.

2. Research to relate image quality to diagnostic tasks, leading to the development of objective and clinical image quality criteria for dental CBCT examinations.
3. Patient dose optimization studies, notably in filtration, exposure factor reduction (mAs, kV and number of basis images) and the need for thyroid shielding. 

The SEDENTEXCT Workshop 31st March 2011

Beyond this, however, an intrinsic objective of the SEDENTEXCT project was to involve stakeholders as much as possible in guideline setting and in making recommendations. On March 31st 2011, a SEDENTEXCT Workshop on dental CBCT was held in Leeds, UK, under the auspices of the British Society of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology. Over 100 participants were present from across Europe, including dental radiologists, medical physicists, national regulatory or advisory bodies and equipment manufacturers and representatives. As part of the programme, time was set aside for a “break out” session with the participants divided into ten working groups, followed by a plenary meeting. The groups were asked to elect a spokesperson and each group included at least one SEDENTEXCT project scientist. Each group was asked to consider one of two questions, to summarise their recommendations and to bring them to the plenary meeting. Half of the working groups addressed question 1 and half question 2:

1. “What do you think should be the priorities for research in dental CBCT in the immediate future?”

2. “What developments in the design and function of CBCT machines would be of most benefit in the next five years?”

Feedback from participants was recorded and collated after the Workshop and are presented below. In each case, the recommendations are presented in priority order, reflecting the frequency of comments recorded. 

Priorities for research in dental CBCT

The following constitute the recommendations for research recorded at the Workshop:

·         Clinical trials of patient clinical outcomes when using CBCT compared with conventional x-rays
·         Clinical trials of CBCT-based diagnosis/treatment planning versus conventional imaging
·         Research on the need for CBCT prior to third molar extraction
·      Research on clinical pathways to identify situations where preliminary conventional radiographs can be omitted
·         Research on image quality requirements for different clinical applications
·         Research on identifying minimum equipment performance standards

It is notable that this list accords well with the research priorities identified by the SEDENTEXCT team. 

Developments in CBCT equipment design and function

The following seven items were recorded with a high frequency:

·         Metal (dental restoration related) artefact reduction software/ algorithms need to be developed

·         Need for variable size of FOVs/ FOVs to fit with diagnostic tasks/ wider choice of FOVs/ flexibility/ even smaller volume options

·    Dose indicator/ DAP readout on CBCT equipment should be available and standardised across manufacturers

·         Automatic exposure control

·         Optimisation/ further dose reduction strategies incorporated

·         Simple imaging protocols for dentists/presets for specific clinical applications
An increase resolution without an increase in dose

Other comments were received but with lower frequency, including:

           Improvement in soft tissue contrast

·         Reconstruction algorithms optimised to the clinical purpose of the examination

·         Flexibility for different tasks

·         Easier localisation of small FOV

·         Improved patient positioning aids

·     Better head support to prevent movement and allow patients with positioning challenges (e.g spinal deformity)

·         International standard for design of CBCT equipment

·         User access to exposure settings to permit optimisation

·         QA software integrated into equipment

·         Better training

·         DICOM compatibility (allowing 3d model production)

·         More intuitive software

·         Ordinary dentist/ hospital practitioner systems need to be different

·         Less variation in machines – too much choice now
    Machines with panoramic option should have field size limitation facilities

We hope that the feedback from the Workshop on priorities for development in equipment design and function will be of interest and value to manufacturers in the years ahead. The SEDENTEXCT team are very grateful to the participants at the Workshop for their contributions.


A (evidence grade)
At least one meta analysis, systematic review, or RCT rated as 1++, and directly applicable to the target population; or a systematic review of RCTs or a body of evidence consisting principally of studies rated as 1+, directly applicable to the target population, and demonstrating overall consistency of results
Active matrix array
B (evidence grade)
A body of evidence including studies rated as 2++, directly applicable to the target population, and demonstrating overall consistency of results; or extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 1++ or 1+
BP (evidence grade)
Basic Principle. Consensus principle of the European Academy of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology (section 3).
GP (evidence grade)
Good Practice (based on clinical expertise of the guideline group and subsequent consensus of stakeholders)
C (evidence grade)
A body of evidence including studies rated as 2+, directly applicable to the target population and demonstrating overall consistency of results; or extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 2++
Cone Beam Computed Tomography
Controlled area
An area subject to special rules for the purpose of protection against ionizing radiation and to which access is controlled.
Craniofacial CBCT
Definition based on field of view size. “Craniofacial” fields of view have a height which is greater than 10cm, allowing maxillofacial imaging. This is synonymous with “Large volume CBCT” (vide infra).
Computed tomography dose index
D (evidence grade)
Evidence level 3 or 4; or extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 2+
Dento-alveolar CBCT
Definition based on field of view size. “Dento-alveolar” fields of view have a height smaller than 10cm, suitable for imaging the lower and upper jaws, but are often substantially smaller than this.
The Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard
Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology
Dose constraint
A restriction on the prospective doses to individuals which may result from a defined source, for use at the planning stage in radiation protection whenever optimization is involved.
Diagnostic Reference Levels: dose levels in medical radiodiagnostic practices for typical examinations for groups of standard-sized patients or standard phantoms for broadly defined types of equipment. These levels are expected not to be exceeded for standard procedures when good and normal practice regarding diagnostic and technical performance is applied.
Digital Volumetric Tomography
European Academy of Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology
European Association for Osseointegration
ED (evidence grade)
Derived from the EC Council Directives 96/29/Euratom or 97/43/Euratom.
Effective dose
The sum of the weighted equivalent doses in all the tissues and organs of the body specified by ICRP from internal and external irradiation.
Field of view
Federation Dentaire Internationale
Flat panel detector
High resolution CBCT
In the context of the current document, the use of voxel sizes of 0.2mm or smaller.
Any natural or legal person who has the legal responsibility under national law for a given radiological installation.
Hounsfield Unit
International Commission on Radiological Protection
Image intensifier
Large volume CBCT
CBCT in which the field of view is larger than the jaws (mandible and maxilla). Typically this refers to fields of view which encompass the facial bones and base or skull or larger. This is synonymous with “craniofacial CBCT” (vide supra).
Limited volume CBCT
CBCT in which the field of view is limited to a volume smaller than the jaws (mandible and maxilla). Typically this refers to small fields of view suitable for imaging one, or a few, teeth.
Medical physics expert
An expert in radiation physics or radiation technology applied to exposure whose training and competence to act is recognized by the competent authorities; and who, as appropriate, acts or gives advice on patient dosimetry, on the development and use of complex techniques and equipment, on optimization, on quality assurance, including quality control, and on other matters relating to radiation protection, concerning exposure within the scope of Council Directive 97/43 Euratom of 30 June 1997.
Medical physics expert
Multislice computed tomography. MSCT refers to “conventional medical CT”
Picture (two-dimensional) element
QA; Quality Assurance

All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a structure, system, component or procedure will perform satisfactorily complying with agreed  standards.
Quality Control
A part of quality assurance. The set of operations (programming, coordinating, implementing) intended to maintain or to improve quality. It covers monitoring, evaluation and maintenance at required levels of all characteristics of performance of equipment that can be defined, measured, and controlled.
A tool for the quality assessment of studies of diagnostic accuracy included in systematic reviews.
Qualified expert
Person having the knowledge and training needed to carry out physical, technical or radiochemical tests enabling doses to be assessed, and to give advice in order to ensure effective protection of individuals and the correct operation of protective equipment, whose capacity to act as a qualified expert is recognized by the competent authorities. A qualified expert may be assigned the technical responsibility for
the tasks of radiation protection of workers and members of the public
Safety and Efficacy of a New and Emerging Dental X-ray Modality. A project co-funded by the European Atomic Energy Community‟s Seventh Framework Programme (Euratom FP7, 2007-11 under grant agreement no. 212246 (SEDENTEXCT).
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
Standards for the Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies
The special name of the unit of equivalent or effective dose. One sievert is equivalent to one joule per kilogram:
1 Sv = 1 J kg–1.
Thin film transistor
Thermoluminescent dosemeter
Temporomandibular joint
Volume (three-dimensional) element


1 Introduction

A Quality Control Programme lays out the necessary testing to ensure that all parameters during the examination procedure are in accordance with the standard operating protocol, thus resulting in images with diagnostic value, without exposing the patient to unnecessary risk.

A programme of equipment tests for dental cone beam CT should consider the following aspects:

·         Performance of the X-ray tube and generator

·         Patient dose
·         Quantitative assessment of image quality
·         Display screen performance

Such a programme is a requirement of the European Union Medical Exposures Directivei as part of the optimisation process to ensure patient dose is as low as reasonably practicable whilst achieving clinically adequate image quality. Any practice undertaking medical exposure should have access to the advice of a medical physics expert on such matters. The Medical Exposures Directive is currently under revisionii and the role of the medical physics expert is given higher prominence in the most recent draft.

Testing and patient dose assessment is carried out when the equipment is first installed as part of the commissioning process and then throughout the life of the equipmentiii. This protocol outlines those physical tests and measurements that are considered to be part of a standard quality control programme for a dental CBCT unit. It does not cover quality assurance of the clinical image.

A range of tests are appropriate for dental CBCT looking at different aspects of the equipment and image display. National guidance exists in some EU countries iv and the SEDENTEXCT projectv has developed phantoms to facilitate carrying out a wide range of measurements. Some of the tests are straightforward and can be readily performed by the clinical staff using the CBCT equipment. Other tests are more complex and the input of a medical physicist is required.

Routine quality control tests primarily involve comparison of results with those determined during commissioning. Significant variation, as indicated by pre-determined action levels, should be investigated, either with the help of a medical physics expert or the equipment service engineer.

Not all possible methods of assessment are considered essential. It is important to perform enough tests to confirm that the equipment is operating as intended. More complex tests do add extra information that is helpful in the optimisation process and they are detailed here for completeness. However, whether the more detailed tests are undertaken will depend on the availability of expert support and the necessary resources.

The tests are summarised in the table at the end of the manual. The recommendations of priority, level of expertise, frequency and action levels are based on published guidancev and the experience of the SEDENTEXCT team in validating the use of the SEDENTEXCT QC test phantom. This represents an initial assessment of what is sensible and achievable but it must be borne in mind that, as experience of testing these units is obtained over a period of years, these recommendations should be critically reviewed as new evidence becomes available.

Some manufacturers of dental CBCT systems provide a quality assurance phantom with their system, which should come with recommendations on the tests that should be performed, the best way to perform them, how often they should be performed and how the results should be interpreted. Some of these quality assurance phantoms are also provided with software that automatically performs analysis of the acquired image.

Where a phantom has been supplied, the manufacturer‟s recommendations are likely to be broadly similar to those contained within this manual. Where there are some tests that are included in the manufacturer‟s recommendations but not in this manual, they should be performed as there may be a specific reason for its inclusion. Where a test is included in this manual but not in the manufacturer‟s recommendations, consideration should be given to performing the test. Consult a medical physicist if necessary.

2 X-ray tube and generator

The correct and reliable performance of the X-ray tube and generator is crucial to the production of consistent images. Both radiation output and tube kilovoltage should be regularly monitored whilst tube filtration and leakage should be performed as part of the equipment commissioning and should be repeated if major repair work is carried out on the tube head.

2.1 Radiation output
This is assessed by measuring the absorbed dose in air at a fixed point in the X-ray beam, e.g. by using a small thimble ionisation chamber placed at the isocentre. It should be noted that the ionisation chamber should have isotropic sensitivity.

2.1.1 Radiation Output Repeatability
This test monitors the consistency of the radiation output for a series of radiation exposures using constant exposure parameters.

Example: Repeat five measurements using constant exposure parameters at a typical clinical setting.

2.1.2 Radiation Output Reproducibility

This test monitors the effect of the exposure parameters (tube voltage and mAs) on the radiation output. Comparison should be made with the baseline values established at commissioning.

Example: Measure at a range of tube voltages e.g. 70, 80, 90kVp at a range of typical clinical mAs settings.

Note: Many CBCT units do not allow a manual selection of tube voltages and mAs. For these units, the above exposures should be made at the automatically selected exposure settings.

2.2 Tube potential

The voltage applied to the X-ray tube determines the energy of the X-ray photons and is a major factor in determining the contrast in the image.

Assessment of the tube potential ensures that the delivered kVp is close to that set on the unit by the operator. Poor agreement between the two would affect clinical image quality, equipment radiation output and patient dose.

2.2.1 kV accuracy
The kVp should be measured directly using a kV divider device at intervals of 10kVp across the full range the unit is capable of producing.

2.2.2 kV repeatability
The consistency of the tube potential should be monitored by repeating five measurements at at least two clinically relevant kVp values, where possible.

2.2.3 kV reproducibility
The reproducibility of the tube potential over time should be monitored by comparing the measured results for kVps at intervals of 10kV across the full range the unit can produce with those established as baseline values at commissioning.

2.3 Filtration
The filtration of an X-ray tube absorbs the low energy photons that do not contribute to the image formation but do contribute to patient skin dose. Having adequate filtration is essential to ensure that patient dose is controlled. The total filtration should be marked on the X-ray tube housing.

Total filtration can be estimated by measuring the Half-Value Layer (HVL). The HVL is the thickness of the absorber required to reduce the intensity of the incident X-ray beam by half. The HVL is an estimate of the penetrating power of the X-ray beam which means that the higher the HVL the more penetrating the X-ray beam is.

2.3.1 How to measure HVL
A dosimeter such as a thimble ionisation chamber should be positioned at the isocentre of the X-ray beam or at the surface of the detector. If possible, the scanner should be set to operate in „service mode‟ so that the X-ray tube is stationary. If this is not possible, then alternatives should be considered, such as the possible use of the „scout‟ mode. Alternatively the scanner can be operated under normal conditions with care taken in setting up the dosemeter and the filters. A typical protocol for measuring HVL should be followedvi, in which the transmission through known thicknesses of high purity aluminium is assessed. Using this HVL measurement and knowledge of the X-ray tube design, the total filtration can be estimated from look-up tablesvii. HVL is measured directly on several modern dose/kV meters as an alternative to this method.

2.4 Radiation Field of View
The field of view (FOV) of a dental CBCT scanner is usually defined at the isocentre. The scanner should be set to operate in „service mode‟ and a film or a CR cassette can be placed at the isocentre and exposed to different field sizes. The size of the film or the CR cassette should be chosen so as to extend over the nominal dimensions of the FOV. The dimensions of the imaged field can be measured and compared to the nominal FOV, as quoted by the manufacturers, and the dimensions of the FOV measured at baseline. If the manufacturers state that it is necessary to irradiate beyond the nominal FOV for the purposes of image reconstruction this should be taken into account.

If the scanner cannot be operated at the „service mode‟, then the film or the CR cassette could be placed on the detector and exposed to the maximum and different FOVs. If the distance of the focal spot to the detector is known, then the dimensions of the nominal FOV on the detector can be calculated and compared to the imaged FOV. Alternatively, two sets of thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) could be placed using holders at the isocentre with the first set placed vertical and the second set placed parallel to the z-axis and exposed to one FOV at a time. The number of TLDs should be chosen so as to extend over the nominal dimensions of the FOV. The TLDs are read out and the dimensions of the irradiated FOV are compared with the dimensions of the nominal FOV.

In addition, it should be confirmed that the X-ray beam is contained within the detector. A film or a CR cassette should be placed on the surface of the detector and the edges of the active area of the detector should be marked on the film or CR cassette and then exposed to radiation. The radiation field should not extend beyond the marked edges on the film or the CR cassette.

2.5 X-ray beam alignment
This test is to assess the coincidence of the centre of the radiation and imaged FOV with the isocentre as defined by the alignment lasers or the scout view.

Any radiopaque object positioned at the isocentre allows for a measurement of the distance between the imaged object and the centre of the imaged FOV using the measuring tool of the scanner‟s software. Note that the accuracy of this measurement is reliant on the correct calibration of the measurement software (see section 4.6) and the voxel size of the reconstructed image.

2.6 Leakage
Radiation is emitted from all directions from the focal spot, not just in the direction of the primary X-ray beam. The tube housing is designed to attenuate the radiation outside the main beam so that patient and staff are not significantly exposed. This source of secondary radiation is known as leakage.

On standard X-ray equipment, leakage is measured during commissioning, usually by a medical physics expert, to confirm that the tube head design and construction is adequate. It should also be measured if physical damage to the tube head has occurred or the tube head has been dismantled during repair.

The measurement of leakage on a dental CBCT is problematic and can only reliably be achieved if the movement of the tube head can be stopped (likely to be available in „service mode‟ only) and the primary beam can be blocked either by the use of collimators or a lead block at least 1mm thick placed as close to the tube window as possible. If this can be achieved, standard methods for leakage measurement can be appliedviii, involving the identification of areas of leakage and the measurement of dose rate at these areas. When interpreting the results, due regard should be made to the effectiveness of the attenuation applied at the tube window.

If the movement of the tube head cannot be stopped, securely fixing a lead block as close to the tube window as possible should still allow meaningful measurements of secondary radiation to be made at accessible points adjacent to the unit. These results will give an indication of whether the leakage from part of the tube housing is higher than expected. The use of film or computed radiography plates around the tube housing can also be useful in detecting small areas in which there is less shielding, or where the shielding is absent altogether. If detected, measurements of secondary radiation can be focussed in these areas.

3 Patient dose

Knowledge of patient dose is essential for clinicians who are making the decision regarding the justification of the exposure. It is also important to ensure that doses are optimised and in line with any national and international guidelines. The dose quantity „effective dose‟ gives an indication of radiation risk and can be compared to doses from other radiation sources. However, effective dose cannot readily be measured and must be inferred from more easily measurable dose quantities.

3.1 Dose measurement

A variety of dose indices are used to characterise patient dose.

3.1.1 CTDI
For CT scanners the CT dose index (CTDI) is usually used. This is a measurement of the dose integrated across the dose profile along the patient‟s length. It is measured using a pencil detector either in air or in a perspex phantomix. Such a dose index has drawbacks for use in dental CBCT units due to the greater beam size and asymmetry of the dose distribution. However, if a CTDI is quoted by the manufacturers, it is suggested that this be measured by the medical physics expert at commissioning for comparison with the specification. 

3.1.2 CBCT dose index

The SEDENTEXCT project has investigated the use of a dose index obtained from measurements using a small volume dosemeter in a Perspex phantom. This is measured at points across the X-Y plane in the centre of the Z axis.

Measurements can be performed using an ion chamber or TLDs, within a suitable PMMA phantom (diameter 16cm is recommended). Two CBCT dose indices are currently proposed. Index 1 requires measurements along a diameter of the phantom (Figure 1) and is calculated as the mean of the readings. Index 2 involves measurements at the centre of the phantom and at points around the periphery. Index 1 allows the measurement of an index for on-axis and off-axis exposures, and full and partial dose distributions simply by rotating the phantom in such a way that the isocentre of the x-ray beam lies on the measuring diameter as shown in Figure 1. Index 2 is only suitable for symmetrical dose distributions.

Such indices can be used to monitor the reproducibility of the dose distribution over time, to relate to manufacturer‟s specification and national or international diagnostic reference levels if set using a dose index. 

3.1.3 Dose area product (DAP) 

The product of the dose in the beam multiplied by the area of the beam at that point is known as the dose area product (DAP) and is a dose index routinely used in panoramic and cephalometric radiography, as well as in general radiography and fluoroscopy.

DAP can readily be measured by the medical physics expert using either a calibrated ionisation chamber that integrates the dose across the primary beam (DAP meter) or by measuring dose and beam size at a fixed point. Care should be taken on units where the beam size changes during the scan and a suitable DAP meter must be used for these units.

If a DAP reading is provided on the equipment readout, the medical physics expert should confirm the accuracy of such a readout. The readout may then be used by the dentist to audit and monitor dose and compare to any national or international audit levels (see diagnostic reference levels).

If no DAP reading is provided, the medical physics expert should provide the DAP readings for all standard settings of the equipment so the dentist can compare the levels to any national or international audit levels (see diagnostic reference levels).

3.2 Diagnostic reference levels 

The European Medical Exposures Directive requires that diagnostic reference levels are set and used as part of the optimisation process. Exactly how this requirement is applied varies from country to country depending on how it has been implemented into national legislation. However, the overall aim is that patient dose is audited and the dose for a typical patient is compared to past levels and any national and international levels. This will give the dentist confidence that doses in their practice are not unnecessarily drifting upwards and that they are in line with accepted levels.

Diagnostic reference levels may be set using a variety of dose indices. The UK Health Protection Agency has recommended the use of dose area product (DAP) and has proposed setting reference levels for the UK for both adult and child procedures. The adult level is for the clinical protocol for the placement of an upper first molar implant in a standard male patient and the child level is for the clinical protocol used to image a single impacted maxillary canine of a 12 year old male. Based on current national audit data an initial achievable level of 250 mGy cm2 is proposed and further data is requested so that national reference levels for both adult and child can be set.

It is recommended that clinical dose levels are determined in a practice (by measurement of standard protocols or by patient dose audit if dose index readouts are provided by the equipment) and compared to past results and any national and international levels when set. Dose levels higher than these standards merit investigation as this would suggest that dose is not optimised.

4 Quantitative image quality performance

A range of image quality indicators can be measured using phantoms designed for such measurements. A variety of different phantoms are available.

Phantoms, such as the Catphan, designed for use on CT scanners can be used for dental CBCT units but are difficult to position and tend to use soft tissue-equivalent materials for the more accurate evaluation of grey scale accuracy.

Dental imaging has a few specific requirements (e.g. hard tissue visualisation and sub-millimetre spatial resolution) which are not assessed by phantoms not specifically designed for the purpose. Some manufacturers provide phantoms with their scanners and the SEDENTEXCT project has designed a phantom specifically with dental CBCT units in mind.

In addition, software tools are required to analyse the images of the phantom. These may be available as part of the image viewing software or may be separately provided with the phantom. The SEDENTEXCT phantom is provided with standard software for image analysis.

Acquisition of such a phantom and software tools is essential if the image quality measurements are to be performed. MPEs should normally have access to such phantoms and software and will be able to carry out these measurements.

Note that whilst most systems exhibit a linear relationship between image pixel value and object density within a single scan, the use of histogram shifting by some units means that this is not always the case from scan to scan. Care should be taken when comparing uncorrected data across scans or from unit to unit. 

4.1 Image density values

A clinically useful image relies on the system‟s ability to distinguish between and clearly display the different materials in an image. The accuracy with which a system can continue to do this over time can be determined quantitatively.

4.1.1 Setting a baseline
·         Acquire an image of the image density value section of the phantom. This should be an area in which there are many different materials clearly distinguished from one another
·         Draw a region of interest in each of the different materials and record the mean pixel value and standard deviation in each

4.1.2 Routine measurements
·         In future visits, expose the same test object using the same protocol, draw a region of interest in each of the different materials and record the mean pixel value and standard deviation in each
·         Compare the mean pixel value for each material with that measured on the first visit

4.2 Contrast detail assessment
Assessing a system‟s ability to display details of known varying contrast can give important information as to the deterioration of image quality over time. A phantom containing objects with a range of different sizes and/or contrasts is required.

4.2.1 Setting a baseline
·         Acquire an image of the contrast detail section of the phantom. This should be an area in which there are various details of the same material that vary in diameter and depth, or various details of different materials
·         The simplest check of contrast detail is counting the number of details that can be clearly resolved on a reporting monitor

o It may be useful to derive a single value for contrast detail assessment, for example the threshold detection index, the image quality factor or the contrast to noise ratioxii. Action levels will depend on the test object and scoring methodology used
o Some phantoms may provide software that calculates contrast detail values after analysing images. In these cases, follow the instructions that come with the phantom

4.2.2 Routine measurements
·         Acquire an image of the contrast detail section of the same phantom using the same exposure protocol as at baseline
·         Count the number of details on the image using the same monitor as at baseline where possible

o If a threshold detection index, image quality factor or contrast to noise ratio is being used, compare with the baseline results
o If automated scoring with phantom software is being used, results should be compared with baselines 

Scoring test objects by eye is very subjective. It should be ensured that where there are different personnel scoring the details, they use a similar methodology. 

4.3 Uniformity and artefacts

It is important that the entire detector is capable of producing a useful image, and so it must be ensured that there are no significant areas of damage or problems with detector calibration that could lead to artefacts in acquired images. Similarly it must be confirmed that damaged or dead pixels are appropriately corrected for in the final image.

4.3.1 Where a QC phantom is available:
·         Acquire an image of the uniformity section of the phantom. This should be a large homogeneous area so that it can be assured that any deviations on the image are the result of the imaging system and not the phantom itself
·         A visual check of the uniformity of the image will reveal any significant uniformity problems
·         Where quantitative tools are available, draw a region of interest in the centre of the test object and then four evenly spaced regions around the periphery and measure the mean pixel value in each. Assess the image uniformity using the results

4.3.2 Where no QC phantom is available:
·         Acquire an image with nothing in the beam. Be aware that this could give odd images on some scanners if the reconstruction relies on a head or equivalent phantom being present. In these cases consider the use of a scout view
·         A visual check of the uniformity of the image will reveal any significant uniformity problems. In this case, some windowing of the image may be necessary to better assess uniformity
·         Where quantitative tools are available, draw a region of interest in the centre of the test object and then four evenly spaced regions around the periphery and measure the mean pixel value in each. Assess the image uniformity using the results

4.4 Noise
There are many processes that could affect the quality of a clinical image, including tube output, detector efficiency and image processing. A quantitative assessment of the noise in an image can identify any deterioration in image quality with time and help determine the cause of the deterioration.

4.4.1 Setting a baseline
·         Acquire an image of the uniformity section of the phantom. This should be a large homogeneous area so that it can be assured that any deviations on the image are the result of the imaging system and not the phantom itself
·         Draw a region of interest in the centre of the test object, with diameter no greater than one fifth the diameter of the test object. Record the standard deviation
·         Repeat for five consecutive axial slices and calculate the average standard deviation.

4.4.2 Routine measurements
·         Acquire an image of the uniformity section of the same phantom using the same protocol as at baseline
·         Draw a region of interest in the centre of the test object, as close in size and position to that at baseline as possible, and record the average standard deviation across five consecutive axial slices

Further analysis:
Consideration should be given to the calculation of a signal to noise ratio in addition to the noise measurements described above. The information provided by signal to noise ratios can be useful in investigating potential problems with the system where they are suggested by noise measurements alone.

4.5 Spatial Resolution

Spatial resolution is a measure of the ability of the system to detect small high contrast detail.

4.5.1 Limiting resolution

This test measures the smallest high contrast detail that can be detected, usually by using a phantom in which small lines get closer and closer together.


Place a suitable object made of a high contrast material on the detector and expose at clinically relevant exposure factors. Magnify the reconstructed image of the test object and optimise the window level. Score the number of resolvable groups of lines and convert to the corresponding resolution. Be sure to use the same exposure factors as at baseline year on year.

4.5.2: Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)

Measurement of the limiting resolution will assess the system‟s ability to transfer the high frequencies (finest details) but it does not provide any indication on how other frequencies are transferred. This can be assessed by measuring the modulation transfer function (MTF) of the system. The MTF can be calculated by measuring the Point Spread Function (PSF) or the Edge Spread Function (ESF).

The PSF can be measured directly by imaging a high contrast wire. The wire is embedded in a suitable medium and placed perpendicular to the scan plane. The PSF is obtained by plotting the pixel values across the image cross-section of the image of the wire. Resolution can be measured directly from the PSF by measuring the full width at half maximum (FWHM).

The ESF is measured by imaging an edge of a block of material embedded in a suitable material with the face of the block perpendicular to the scanned plane. The ESF is obtained by plotting the pixel values across the image.

Differentiating the ESF will give the Line Spread Function (LSF). The LSF can be used to asses the spatial resolution of the system similar to the PSF.

The MTF can be calculated as the modulus of the Fourier transform of the PSF or the LSF. The values quoted are the frequencies at which the modulation falls to 50% or 10% of its initial value.

A more detailed description of the MTF method is given in the IPEM Report 32, Part VII.x

4.6 Geometric Accuracy

Where it may be clinically useful to perform measurements of distance or angle on an image, it must be ensured that measurements made on a system accurately reflect true distances and angles. A phantom is required that contains an area with objects at known distances and angles from one another.

·         Acquire an image of the geometric accuracy section of the phantom.

·     Where quantitative test tools are available, measure distances and angles across a variety of the objects within the phantom

·     Compare the measured values with known distances and angles. A more detailed analysis can be performed by calculating the aspect ratio and pixel pitch if required.

·         Ensure the aspect ratio is correct by calculating measured x / measured y for distances of the same intended length. The ratio should be 1±0.04
Ensure the pixel pitch is as stated by the manufacturer by calculating measured distance (mm) / number of pixels covering the measured distance. Measure the pixel pitch for various distances in the x and y axes 

5 Display equipment

Regardless of the quality of the x-ray equipment with which an image is acquired, a clinical image can only be digitally displayed as well as the monitor on which it is viewed is capable of. It is essential therefore to ensure that any monitor that is used to report on clinical images is well set up and subject to regular QC.

The QC programme outlined in the report of the AAPM task group 18xi, or equivalent, is an appropriate methodology for MPE tests. Regular in-house checking of the display monitors should also be performed, as follows:

5.1 General condition
·         A suitable test pattern, such as an AAPM TG18 or SMPTE image, should be installed on the computer and viewed on the monitor, which should be clean
·         It should be ensured that all distinct greyscale levels on the test pattern can be individually resolved. The small black and white squares within the larger black and white squares should also be clearly resolved
·         Where two monitors are used for reporting, it should be ensured that the perceived contrast of each of the distinct greyscale levels is consistent between the two

5.2 Monitor resolution
It should be ensured that all of the bars on each of the resolution patterns on the AAPM TG18 or SMPTE test image can be clearly resolved 



* Level of expertise: MPE indicates that this test would normally require the input of a medical physics expert with sophisticated test equipment whereas in house indicates that the tests can normally be performed by clinic staff using standard phantoms

** Action level: Results outside these levels should be investigated and action taken. The advice of a medical physics expert or service engineer may be required

N.B. This table represents initial guidance based on current experience of dental CBCT units. It should be kept under critical review as experience is gained in testing such units.


i Council Directive 97/43/Euratom of 30 June 1997 on health protection of individuals against the dangers of ionizing radiation in relation to medical exposure Official Journal of the European Communities No L 180/11 1997

ii Draft Euratom Basic Safety Standards Directive – Version 24 February 2010 http://ec.europa.eu/energy/nuclear/radiation_protection/doc/art31/2010_02_24_draft_euratom_basic_safety_standards_directive.pdf
iii IPEM report 91 Recommended standards for the routine performance testing of diagnostic X-ray imaging systems IPEM 2005
iv HPA-RPD-065 Recommendations for the design of X-ray facilities and quality assurance of dental Cone Beam CT (Computed tomography) systems JR Holroyd and A Walker Health Protection Agency 2010
v SEDENTEXCT http://www.sedentexct.eu/
vi IPEM Quality assurance in dental Radiology Report No 671995
vii Cranley K. & Fogarty G.W.A. 1988 The measurement of total filtration of diagnostic X-ray tubes BJR 61
viii IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) 2008 Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-3: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral Standard: Radiation protection in diagnostic X-ray equipment. IEC publication 60601-1-3.
ix IPEM Report 32 Measurement of the Performance characteristics of diagnostic X-ray systems used in medicine Part III Computed Tomography X-ray scanners 2nd Ed IPEM 2003
x IPEM Report 32 Measurement of the Performance characteristics of diagnostic X-ray systems used in medicine Part VII Digital imaging system IPEM 2010
xi Samei E, Badano A, Chakraborty D, Compton K, Cornelius C, Corrigan K, Flynn MJ, Hemminger B, Hangiandreou N, Johnson J, Moxley M, Pavlicek W, Roehrig H, Rutz L, Shepard J, Uzenoff R, Wang J, Willis C. Assessment of Display Performance for Medical Imaging Systems, Report of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Task Group 18, Medical Physics Publishing, Madison, WI, AAPM On-Line Report No. 03, April 2005.
xiiNHS Breast Screening Programme – Commissioning and routine testing of full field digital mammography systems . NHSBSP equipment report 0604, April 2009. 

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