sâmbătă, 6 septembrie 2014

Ghidurile Europene pentru CBCT - partea a IV - a

4.4 Surgical applications

Surgery of the dental and maxillofacial region encompasses minor procedures (oral surgery) that may be performed in dental practices and major surgery (maxillofacial surgery) that would always be carried out by specialists, often in a hospital environment.

4.4.1 Exodontia 

There is no literature related to the use of CBCT as part of the pre-extraction assessment of erupted teeth and there seems no good reason to suggest its use for this purpose. The literature concentrates on unerupted teeth, principally lower third molars, as demonstrated in the systematic review performed by Guerrero et al (2011).

A number of clinical studies, case series and non-systematic reviews have been published on the use of CBCT for pre-surgical assessment of impacted third molars including Heurich et al (2002), Nakagawa et al (2002), Danforth et al (2003), Nakagawa et al (2007), Friedland et al (2008), Neugebauer et al (2008), Nakayama et al (2009), Tantanapornkul et al (2009), Lübbers et al (2010), Suomalainen et al (2010) and Yamada et al (2011). The broad conclusion of reviewing these studies is that CBCT may offer advantages for the surgeon in showing the anatomical position and relationships of mandibular third molars where there is a close inter-relationship between the third molar root and the mandibular canal (inferior dental canal), but that CBCT should not be used routinely for all third molar pre-surgical assessments.

Two studies satisfied the inclusion criteria for the review of diagnostic accuracy (Tantanapornkul et al 2007; Ghaeminia et al 2009), both of which considered the relationship between the mandibular third molar root and the mandibular canal and a reference standard of intra-surgical direct visualisation. Cone-beam CT was significantly superior to panoramic images in predicting neurovascular bundle exposure during extraction of impacted mandibular third molar teeth, with impressive sensitivity (Tantanapornkul et al 2007). The more recent study by Ghaeminia et al (2009), however, provided apparently contradictory findings. They found no significant difference in sensitivity and specificity between panoramic radiography and CBCT in predicting exposure of the mandibular canal. The difference in results of the two studies probably reflects different case selection. Direct exposure of the canal during surgery is, however, not a prerequisite for post-operative nerve damage. Injury may occur by pressure effects through thin intervening bone. As pointed out by Ghaeminia et al (2009), CBCT offers the advantage of identifying bucco-lingual position of the canal. Other factors, such as complex root morphology, may also favour the use of a cross-sectional imaging technique.

Despite the apparent contradiction in the results of the systematically reviewed papers (Tantanapornkul et al 2007; Ghaeminia et al 2009), the weight of evidence from the wider literature is such that the Panel confirmed the broad intent of the recommendation made in the previous guidelines, but with a modification of the wording and a reduction in the evidence grade. The strategy for imaging presented by Flygare & Ohman (2008), in which CBCT is reserved for cases in which conventional imaging does not adequately depict the nerve/ tooth relationship, is in agreement with our recommendation. An exception foreseen to this may be where the favoured practice is to perform third molar coronectomy rather than complete tooth removal when there is a close mandibular canal/ third molar root relationship. If the decision to perform coronectomy can be made on the basis of conventional radiography, then CBCT is redundant.

Where conventional radiographs suggest a direct inter-relationship between a mandibular third molar and the mandibular canal, and when a decision to perform surgical removal has been made, CBCT may be indicated


It is important to ensure that the above recommendation does not lead to a “drift” towards routine use. The incidence of post-surgical dysaesthesia after third molar removal is very low in the hands of experienced surgeons and there is no evidence of improved outcomes through the use of CBCT. By “direct inter-relationship”, the Panel intended to highlight the features on conventional radiographs which are related to postoperative dysaesthesia: “darkening” of the root, interruption of the canal wall and diversion of the canal (Rood & Shehab 1990). Each case must be judged on an individualised assessment of risk.

The literature on surgical removal of other tooth types is very small, although some of the orthodontic literature related to impacted maxillary canines is also relevant here (see Section 4.2.1). It seems likely that CBCT may have a role in pre-surgical assessment of any unerupted tooth where conventional radiographs (intraoral and panoramic) fail to give the information required. The Panel agreed that it was important to emphasise the need to use the smallest field of view consistent with the information required, consistent with the Basic Principle No.9 (Section 3).

CBCT may be indicated for pre-surgical assessment of an unerupted tooth in selected cases where conventional radiographs fail to provide the information required


4.4.2 Implant dentistry

In investigating an implant site, a surgeon requires information on bone volume and quality, topography and the relationship to important anatomical structures, such as nerves, vessels, roots, nasal floor, and sinus cavities (Harris et al 2002).

In 2002, a Working Group of the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO) devised consensus guidelines on imaging for implant dentistry (Harris et al 2002). They did not include any comment on CBCT. They did, however, describe criteria for use of “cross-sectional imaging” (at that time, spiral tomography and MSCT).

The EAO guidelines made the following key points:
·         Clinicians should decide if a patient requires cross-sectional imaging on the basis of the clinical examination, the treatment requirements and on information obtained from conventional radiographs.
·         The technique chosen should provide the required diagnostic information with the least radiation exposure to the patient.
·         “Standard” imaging modalities are combinations of conventional radiographs.
·         Cross-sectional imaging is applied to those cases where more information is required after appropriate clinical examination and standard radiographic techniques have been performed.

The EAO guidelines presented valuable information on the special clinical situations in implant dentistry when cross-sectional imaging is required (Table 4.4). The guidelines go on to explain that cross-sectional imaging is of principal value in pre-operative assessment and treatment planning, but that it is not part of a “routine protocol” for post-operative examinations “unless there is a need for assessments in situations where some kind of complications have occurred, such as nerve damage, postoperative infections in relation to nasal and/or sinus cavities close to implants” (Harris et al 2002).

While these criteria for cross-sectional imaging are subjective in nature, relying heavily on subjective “clinical doubt”, they do offer useful guidance. The Panel had neither the remit nor the expertise to reconsider the EAO guidelines. The primary question for clinicians is whether or not cross-sectional imaging is required for implant planning, rather than whether CBCT is required. Nonetheless, CBCT has different radiation dose implications and different capabilities. Consequently, in 2009 the Panel recommended that the EAO reviewed its 2002 consensus guidelines on the use of imaging in implant dentistry to take into account the availability of CBCT. The EAO are currently undertaking this review.

There is a substantial literature related to the use of CBCT in dental implantology. Implant treatment planning has been the most frequent use of MSCT in dentistry. Nonetheless, there were no studies identified for inclusion in the systematic review on diagnostic accuracy, which was not altogether surprising. Studies on geometric accuracy for linear measurements, however, are of obvious importance in implant planning; these show high accuracy (see Section 4.1.1). Overall, the evidence suggests that CBCT has sufficient geometric accuracy for linear measurements in implant dentistry. Interestingly, however, one study compared ridge mapping with CBCT, using a direct surgical measurement as a reference standard, and found that CBCT was less consistent than ridge mapping and that it did not add any additional information (Chen et al 2008). Furthermore, as pointed out in Section 4.1.1, accuracies reported in laboratory studies may be not as good in patients due to minor movement during scanning. As such, the Panel agreed that clinicians should use their clinical judgement and a margin of safety when planning implants close to important anatomical structures. Apart from geometric accuracy, an important aspect is the ease of visualisation of important structures on CBCT. Loubele et al 2007 demonstrated better subjective image quality for important structures for CBCT compared with MSCT. Mengel et al (2006) showed promising results for visualisation of peri-implant defects in an animal study. CBCT resolution may, however, be important in the efficacy of visualising fine detail of cortical bone thickness (Razavi et al 2010).

Table 4.4: Special indications for cross-sectional imaging (adapted from Fig. 2b in Harris et al 2002).


Single tooth
a. incisive canal
b. descent of maxillary sinus
c. clinical doubt about shape of alveolar ridge
Partially dentate
a. descent of maxillary sinus
b. clinical doubt about shape of alveolar ridge
a. descent of maxillary sinus
b. clinical doubt about shape of alveolar ridge
Single tooth
a. clinical doubt about position of mandibular canal
b. clinical doubt about shape of alveolar ridge
Partially dentate
a. clinical doubt about position of mandibular canal or mental foramen
b. clinical doubt about shape of alveolar ridge
a. severe resorption
b. clinical doubt about shape of alveolar ridge
c. clinical doubt about position of mandibular canal if posterior implants are to be placed
Much research interest has focused on the ability of CBCT to image neurovascular structures in the jaws, with several descriptive studies and case series being reported (Angelopoulos et al 2008; Pires et al 2009; Uchida et al 2009; Makris et al 2010; Naitoh et al 2010). This work is set in the context of the risk of haemorrhage during surgery, particularly in the floor of the mouth where the consequences can be severe, and on post-surgical neuropathy. The Panel recognise that this risk is of significance to patient outcome and well-being. Naitoh et al (2010) concluded that there was no significant difference between CBCT and MSCT for the depiction of fine anatomical features in the mandible associated with neurovascular structures, although their results may not be applicable to the wide range of CBCT and MSCT systems, exposure protocols and other variables influencing image quality.

The EAO guidelines emphasise the importance of relating accurately the image data to the surgical situation: “The diagnostic information can be enhanced by the use of appropriate radiopaque markers or restorative templates. However, this information cannot be transferred exactly to the surgical site as long as no intraoperative navigation is used” (Harris et al 2002). Several papers have been published relating to the accuracy of implant placement using surgical guides manufactured using CBCT datasets (Fortin et al 2002; Fortin et al 2003; Sarment et al 2003; van Steenberghe et al 2003; Nickenig & Eitner 2007; van Assche et al 2007; Nickenig & Eitner 2010; Arisan et al 2010; van Assche et al 2010; Al- Ekrish & Ekram, 2011). These studies suggest that, within specified limits of error, CBCT is an effective means of providing data for the manufacture of surgical guides in implant dentistry.

There are a large number of publications (case studies; non-systematic reviews; descriptive studies) that illustrate the use of CBCT in implant dentistry. Many of these were consulted during the review by members of the Panel to help build the body of knowledge in developing the guidelines (Almog et al 2006; Arisan et al 2010; Blake et al 2008; Bousquet & Joyard 2008; Fan et al 2008; Ganz 2005; Ganz 2006; Ganz 2008; Ganz 2010; Garg 2007; Guerrero et al 2006; Hatcher et al 2003; Moore 2005; Peck & Conte 2008; Sato et al 2004). These publications make it clear that CBCT is being used widely for implant dentistry. As such, The Panel makes the following recommendations:

CBCT is indicated for cross-sectional imaging prior to implant placement as an alternative to existing cross-sectional techniques where the radiation dose of CBCT is shown to be lower

For cross-sectional imaging prior to implant placement, the advantage of CBCT with adjustable fields of view, compared with MSCT, becomes greater where the region of interest is a localised part of the jaws, as a similar sized field of view can be used

While the emphasis has been on assessment of bone quantity, there is interest in “bone quality” assessment using CBCT. Bone density evaluation of implant sites is feasible using MSCT (de Oliveira et al 2008). Since Barone et al (2003), a number of studies have, however, tried to derive Hounsfield Units (HUs) from CBCT. Some studies suggest this is potentially feasible, with moderate or good correlations between CBCT-derived HUs and density data from other sources (Aranyarachkul et al 2005; Lagravère et al 2006; Lagravère et al 2008; Mah et al 2010; Nomura et al 2010). Song et al (2009) reported strong correlations between CT numbers and implant primary stability. Lee et al (2007), however, found only moderate correlations between drilling resistance torque and HU values. Bryant et al (2008) showed substantial changes in HU values of a region were produced in an iCAT scanner depending on the axial position in the slice due to the effect of the mass of material within and outside the scan volume. Recently, Nackaerts et al (2011) compared MSCT and CBCT scanners and reported that intensity values in CBCT images were not reliable, because the values are influenced by the scanner device, the imaging parameters and the positioning of the field of view. It is clear from this work that there is uncertainty regarding the use of CBCT to derive HU or other “density” measures of bone and that it cannot be recommended for this purpose in everyday practice.  

4.4.3 Bony pathosis 

Occasionally, a dentist may be presented with a patient with an unusual bony lesion. Cysts, tumours and a wide range of esoteric lesions can present in the jaws causing symptoms and/or clinical signs; some may only be detected by chance on conventional radiography. There are numerous case reports of bony lesions that have been imaged using CBCT (Abdelkarim et al 2008; Araki et al 2006; Araki et al 2007; Barragan-Adjemian et al 2009; Closmann & Schmidt 2007; Fullmer et al 2007; Guttenberg 2008; Harokopakis-Hajishengallis &Tiwana 2007; Kamel et al. 2009; Kumar et al 2007; Nakagawa et al 2002; Quereshy et al 2008; Rodrigues & Estrela 2008; Rozylo-Kalinowska & Rozylo 2001; Scherer et al 2008; Schulze et al 2006; Schulze 2009; Smith et al 2007; Ziegler et al 2002). While these are too wide ranging in pathoses and are case reports/series rather than formal studies, it seems reasonable to predict that CBCT will have a useful role in the assessment of bony pathosis of the jaws.

Four studies falling into this clinical category were reviewed formally by the Panel in the context of diagnostic accuracy (Hendrikx et al 2010; Momin et al 2009; Rosenberg et al 2010; Simon et al 2006). Momin et al (2009) measured the diagnostic accuracy of high resolution cone-beam CT compared with panoramic radiography in the assessment of mandibular invasion by gingival carcinoma, validated by histopathological findings after surgery. They found high sensitivity of diagnosis based on CBCT, although specificity was only similar to panoramic radiography. They also noted the challenge of restoration-related artefacts and false positives from periodontal disease. Hendrikx et al (2010) reported higher sensitivity and specificity for CBCT in detecting mandibular invasion by carcinoma, validated by histopathology, compared with both panoramic radiography and MR, although their results were not statistically significant due to sample size. The results of these studies are promising and further research is needed to investigate the role of CBCT in management of patients with oral carcinoma.

The Panel considered that in cases of oral carcinoma, other cross-sectional imaging (MSCT, MR) would be performed first as part of diagnostic work-up, as was the case in the study of Hendrikx et al (2010). The Panel concluded that, on the basis of current research, the role for CBCT was likely to be in cases where these imaging techniques could not confirm or refute bony involvement and where the diagnosis of bone involvement would change a treatment plan. As such, the Panel maintain the guideline established as a Basic Principle (Section 3).

Where it is likely that evaluation of soft tissues will be required as part of the patient‟s radiological assessment, the appropriate initial imaging should be MSCT or MR, rather than CBCT

Limited volume, high resolution, CBCT may be indicated for evaluation of bony invasion of the jaws by oral carcinoma when the initial imaging modality used for diagnosis and staging (MR or MSCT) does not provide satisfactory information

The studies of Simon et al (2006) and Rosenberg et al (2010) both considered whether CBCT could be used to differentiate cysts from apical granulomas. Although Simon et al (2006) suggested that “CBCT may provide a more accurate diagnosis than biopsy and histology”, analysis of their results by the Panel indicated that CBCT had high sensitivity for diagnosis of cysts but limited specificity (i.e. over-diagnosis of cysts). The work of Rosenberg et al (2010) found poor accuracy for CBCT in differentiating cysts from granulomas and they concluded that CBCT was not a reliable diagnostic method.

In the context of bony pathosis generally, the Panel felt that it was important that unless dentists are treating patients themselves (as opposed to referral to an oral surgeon) it is probably correct to leave the choice of imaging to the surgeon who intends to treat the patient.

4.4.4 Facial trauma

The management of significant maxillofacial trauma is outside the normal working practice of a dentist and limited to specialist/ hospital practice. Fractures are conventionally imaged using plain radiography or MSCT, depending on custom and practice. Generally speaking, as stated by Schoen et al (2008), “when radiographs do not show clearly the degree of displacement, type of fracture or degree of comminution, for example, in suspected fractures of the condylar head, CT or cone-beam CT is indicated”. The potential role of CBCT in assessment of maxillofacial fractures has been reviewed by Shintaku et al (2009).

One study was identified as suitable for formal systematic review (Sirin et al 2010) although this study was performed in an ex vivo animal model. This reported no significant difference between CT and CBCT in condylar fracture detection. Several case studies/ case series were identified that demonstrated the effective use of CBCT for orbital floor fractures (Zizelmann et al 2007; Drage & Sivarajasingam 2008), nasal bone fractures (Bremke et al 2009), mandibular fracture (Ziegler et al 2002), intraoperative imaging of fractures of the mandible (Heiland et al 2004a; Scarfe 2005; Pohlenz et al 2007; Pohlenz et al 2008) and zygomatic fractures (Heiland et al 2004a; Heiland et al 2007; Pohlenz et al 2007), postoperative imaging of zygomatic fractures (Heiland et al 2004b) and unfavourable splits during bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (Lloyd et al 2011). The Panel felt that there was a need for further diagnostic accuracy studies of CBCT for the common fracture types (mandibular and maxillary). Consequently, a low grading for the following recommendation was applied:

For maxillofacial fracture assessment, where cross-sectional imaging is judged to be necessary, CBCT may be indicated as an alternative imaging modality to MSCT where radiation dose is shown to be lower and soft tissue detail is not required

In foreign body detection and localization, CBCT is suitable for imaging high attenuation materials but not as effective as MSCT for lower attenuation objects (Eggers et al 2007; Stuehmer et al 2008). 

4.4.5 Orthognathic surgery 

This application is closely allied to orthodontics and the evidence presented in Section 4.1.1 regarding measurement accuracy is also relevant here. Whereas in Section 4.2.2 the Panel did not support the routine use of CBCT for orthodontic assessment, the patients likely to be candidates for orthognathic surgery (with significant facial deformity) are more likely to benefit from cross-sectional imaging.

There is a large literature relating to the use of three-dimensional imaging in orthognathic surgery, including reviews by Caloss et al (2007), Edwards (2010), and Popat et al (2010). Some additional papers were reviewed under this heading (Enciso et al 2003; Cevidanes et al 2005; Boeddinghaus & Whyte 2008; Hoffman & Islam 2008; Metzger et al 2008; Quereshy et al 2008; Swennen et al 2009) and overall, the Panel was able to make a recommendation: 

CBCT is indicated where bone information is required, in orthognathic surgery planning, for obtaining three-dimensional datasets of the craniofacial skeleton

4.4.6 Temporomandibular joint 

The overwhelming majority of patients with symptoms and signs related to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are suffering from myofascial pain/dysfunction or internal disc derangements. Bony abnormality is not seen in the former and only occasionally in the latter. In such cases, radiographs do not add information of relevance to management. Where imaging of the TMJ disc is needed, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MR) is the method of choice.

Other pathoses encountered in the TMJ include osteoarthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis. In both these conditions, there are often bony changes that may be detectable on conventional radiographs and CBCT. When considering the justification for CBCT, however, the clinician should consider whether the information obtained will alter the management of the patient. The identification of bony erosions, remodelling or deformity may be purely documentary and have no impact on treatment strategy.

The available evidence included four diagnostic accuracy studies with valid reference standards (Honda et al 2006; Hintze et al 2007; Honey et al 2007; Marques et al 2010) and a selection of case series/ non-systematic reviews (Zhao et al 2003; Honda et al 2004; Tsiklakis et al 2004; Honda & Bjornland 2006; Sakabe et al 2006; Kijima et al 2007; Krisjane et al 2007; Meng et al 2007; Lewis et al 2008; Huntjens et al 2008; Alexiou et al 2009; Ikeda & Kawamura 2009; Barghan et al 2010; Alkhader et al 2010a; Farronato et al 2010). There was also one systematic review of imaging of TMJ erosions and osteophytes which considered CBCT evidence (Hussain et al 2008) and one recent review of imaging of the TMJ (Petersson 2010).

CBCT images provided similar diagnostic accuracy to MSCT for condylar osseous abnormality (Honda et al 2006) and greater accuracy than panoramic radiography and linear tomography in the detection of condylar cortical erosion (Honey et al 2007). Hintze et al (2007), however, found no differences in diagnostic accuracy for condylar abnormality between CBCT and conventional tomograms. The literature also reveals one comparative study in which CBCT acted as the index test for osseous abnormalities compared with MR (Alkhader et al. 2010b). The latter reported low sensitivity of MR in the detection of osseous change.

While there is good evidence for the accuracy of CBCT for detection of osseous abnormalities of the TMJ, the Panel was not prepared to suggest routine use of CBCT for examination of the TMJ in the absence of evidence about its impact upon treatment decisions. As stated by Petersson (2010), according to the current version of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC ⁄TMD), imaging of the TMJ is not required for a diagnosis. Furthermore, there is no clear evidence for when TMD patients should be examined with imaging methods. The Panel concluded that CBCT could be considered as an alternative to MSCT, if radiation dose with CBCT is shown to be lower.

Where the existing imaging modality for examination of the TMJ is MSCT, CBCT is indicated as an alternative where radiation dose is shown to be lower


4.4.7 References

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